Mr. Picardo's educational blog is kind of complicated to view at first. Once you get the feel of it, it can be very resourceful. His blog contain a tool called Triptico, which is an essential resource for interative whiteboards. I have never heard of this but it seems to be a great tool.
In the video entitled Top 10 Tips for using Technology, Mr. Jose Picardo explain his ten tips:
"1. Use Streaming Video
2.Use Music more often
3.Use teleconferencing tools- great for meetings with colleagues in other countries or states.
4.Create your own interactive exercises- this gives you the opportunity to share your interests.
5.Use your interactive whiteboard more efficiently.
6.Create your own podcast.-this is a great communication sharing tool
7.Start a blog or a wiki.
8.Use social networks- we can connect with people around the world with similar interest
9.Use Internet tools.
10.Make the most of your pupil's gadgets."
Many of the tips Mr. Picardo mentioned, we use in EDM 310. As a future educator there are a few of the ten tips that I would use more often in my classroom. I would strongly encourage my students to incorporate music into their learning. Students tend to pick up on all of the latest music on the radio. So an example would be multiplication. If we take one of the kids favorite songs and but the rhythm with their multiplication facts, I think the student would learn them well. I would also strongly encourage pod casting. Pod casting is my favorite way of learning. I would allow my students to use pod casting as a ways to enhance their reading skills. If I was to record the students reading and allow them to listen to it, they will see their areas of needed improvement. I would also use pod casting to record myself and allow the students to follow along with me to help their reading as well. Finally, I would allow my students to use blogs. This will help them tremendously with their grammar skills. If students are able to see what they write and get constructive feed back on it, they will be encouraged to improve. Also blogging will allow the students access to give feed back to their classmates and visit the pages of other students around the world.
"This will help them tremendously with their grimmer skills." I think you mean grammar.
ReplyDelete"...they will be encourage to improve." encouraged, not encourage.
The last also in your blog is unnecessary.